Saturday, September 7, 2024

Vitamins That Help With Energy And Fatigue

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When Do You Need Vitamins For Energy

B12 Vitamins Causing Fatigue – Here’s Why

The demands of everyones busy and stressful lifestyles are resulting in overall depletion of energy. Even with a decent amount of exercise, paying attention to your sleeping patterns, and eating balanced meals, you can still find it hard to maintain your energy levels throughout the day.

Fortunately, thats where supplements come in and help you boost energy levels in a very natural and healthy way, enhancing the conversion of carbohydrates and fatty acids into energy and fuel. With it, they improve your cognitive performance, relieve fatigue and tiredness, improve muscle weakness, promote the creation of new red blood cells, improve muscle and nerve function, and do wonders for cardiovascular and hormone health.

With so many brands out there, here are our favorite picks.

The Line Up At A Glance

Best variety

  • Pre-curated multivitamin mix without a tailored approach
  • Can cause some nausea and digestive problems due to high-potency

Get your daily intake of vitamins and minerals through Natures Way Alive potent multivitamin formulas. They have a wide array of products, from calcium and vitamin B complex to specific formulas for immunity, iron deficiency anemia, mens and womens health, pregnancy, and even for kids.

Your energy production definitely slows down as you age. When a brand focuses on supporting all aspects of aging, taking their special supplement blends offers great promise in tackling each issue simultaneously. .

Whats Making Me Tired

The cause for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome isnt really known, but there are other reasons and rationales for feeling tired for long periods of time. In fact, here are four potential triggers to watch for as you go about your daily routine.

Viral Infections

When a viral infection hits, its normal for the body to feel extremely overwhelmed and exhausted. A virus has the potential to really wipe out your immune system, and as a result, your body will need time to recover and may even need an antiviral to help it along. Some viruses are more prominent than others. So if youve been feeling ill for a while, there is more potential for this to occur.

Immune System Issues

Your immune system itself may be impaired or weakened. If this is the case, your body will need adequate time and energy to recover and get your immune function back in working order. To keep from falling ill again and give your body the boost it needs, additional sleep may work as a beneficial healing mechanism. Immune boosting supplements can also help! However, if your immune response is permanently impaired, it could be a cause for a separate disorder all its own, bringing us back to the importance of getting examined by a doctor if you have unusually prominent symptoms.

Hormonal Imbalances

Physical and Emotional Trauma

How To Balance Scientific Nutrient Testing And The Idea Of Humans Being Able To Thrive With Lots Of Different Dietary Patterns

Ari Whitten: Yeah, beautiful answer to the test question. I want to before we dig into some of the specific nutrients, I want to zoom out and ask more of a big picture question here. Which is, as one looks at this whole thing of, theres 50 different minerals and vitamins and different nutrients that you can test for and that you may be deficient or toxic in. And you have to do this whole barrage of testing to figure out whether youre eating the right amount or if you have a deficiency and so on.

To me, it almost implies a paradigm where humans are these really fragile creatures who, if they dont pay an enormous amount of attention to the specific foods their eating and do this deep analysis of all the 30 different minerals and each different food that they eat and then go get tests done to determine whether they are getting just the precise amount or too little or too much, that were going to develop all these health problems.

And then, on the other hand, we know from research looking into the dietary patterns of different hunter-gatherer tribes and the ones who have been studied, modern-day hunter-gatherers not invoking any speculation about 10,000 years ago or whatever. But that their diets differ dramatically in what kinds of foods they eat and they also maybe dont necessarily eat in a lot of cases, the most balanced diet and what we might think of today as being particularly healthy.

Read Also: What Could Be Causing Extreme Fatigue

How Nutrient Deficiencies Cause Fatigue Show Notes

Introducing Dr. Chris Masterjohns new book Testing Nutritional Status: The Ultimate Cheat Sheet Where to start when testing for nutritional status Why people and doctors need to think like detectives when it comes to nutritional deficiencies The most accurate way to test for nutritional deficiencies How to balance scientific nutrient testing and the idea of humans being able to thrive with lots of different dietary patterns The truth about the Inuit diet How ketoacidosis presents itself in the body Why eating according to ancestry can be good for your health The relationship between the ketogenic diet and fatigue Vitamins for fatigue The importance of potassium Significant nutrient deficiencies found in people on a ketogenic diet Pitfalls and nutrient deficiencies associated with veganism Why vegans often experience a mineral imbalance Typical nutrient deficiencies or toxicities that are particularly relevant to fatigue How antioxidants work inside your body How to get the best out of the Testing Nutritional Status: The Ultimate Cheat Sheet process Why you should invest in the Testing Nutritional Status: The Ultimate Cheat Sheet e-book


To get the Book Testing Nutritional Status: The Ultimate Cheat Sheet. Follow the link .

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What Factors Pose A Risk

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Are there really any heightened risk factors for people to constantly be more tired than others? Unfortunately, the short answer is YES! There are actually two main factors to take into consideration when looking deeper into CFS.

Unfortunately, the following two factors cant really be controlled.

Most women never stop, and thus, they are more likely to be diagnosed with this type of medical dilemma and appear more tired than men. However, it is also speculated that women tend to be better communicators and might just be reporting these symptoms more than men. Therefore, CFS patients could be pretty equal in terms of prevalence between genders.

Of course, CFS can happen at any age, but its especially common in individuals who are middle-aged. As you get older, its harder to sustain your energy as in your younger years.

Do you find that you fall into both categories and that it’s harder to feel refreshed after a good night’s sleep? These factors may be the reason why youre more susceptible to tiredness and feel like you cant escape your feelings of exhaustion.

Plus, as our bodies grow and change, there’s the heightened possibility that people will experience more fatigue as they age. However, there are some clear signs that indicate that there is more of a problem than the regular signs of aging or gender.

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Your Body Will Thank You

My experience along with that of millions of people worldwide is that supplementing with vitamins, minerals, and herbs can definitely help increase your overall health and well-being. It can also give your energy levels a significant boost.

If youre currently feeling low on energy, try adding a few of the supplements Ive recommended to your daily diet. Im confident youll quickly see a tangible and positive difference.

Top 5 Supplements To Boost Energy And Fight Fatigue

Feeling drowsy? Add these nutrients to your daily diet for a boost in natural energy.

1. Magnesium

Magnesium is an essential mineral involved in hundreds of body processes including maintaining your daily energy levels. Yet, about 75% of Americans dont get enough of it in their diets . Tiredness is cited as the most common symptom of magnesium deficiency, yet other fatigue-related symptoms also manifest, such as stress, irritability and muscle weakness .

While this energizing mineral can help us achieve a deeper and more fulfilling sleep, it also works to facilitate energy at a cellular level. Magnesium enables your very cells to produce the energy you need for just about everything, even breathing. It does so by activating enzymes that control the digestion and use of nutrients we receive from our daily diet. By aiding in this digestion process, magnesium makes it possible to derive necessary energy from those nutrients.

Unfortunately, taking magnesium once or twice wont help boost your energy levels. Your body needs it every day, and recovering from a deficiency can take over 6 months . Thats why its recommended to take a daily magnesium supplement, especially if you dont eat plenty of magnesium-rich foods like nuts, seeds and leafy greens.

2. B Vitamins

3. Iron

If youve cut back on red meat or if youre a vegan or vegetarian, consider taking an iron supplement to protect your circulatory system and increase your energy levels.

4. CoQ10

5. Omega-3s

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Stay Hydrated With Water And Electrolytes

Did you know that one of the first signs of dehydration is feeling tired or exhausted? Thats right not drinking enough water could be the reason your energy levels are lacking and you feel exhausted.

Because our bodies are made up of mostly water, even small dips in hydration are enough to affect your metabolism.

Stay hydrated by making sure youre drinking enough water and other fluids throughout the day. The National Academy of Medicine suggests about nine cups of fluids a day for women and 13 cups for men.

However, a more accurate amount is found like this: Take your body weight, and divide it in half. Then drink that many ounces per day .

If that sounds like a lot, remember that many foods, like fruits and vegetables, contain water as well, so you can also boost your hydration level by upping your intake.

If you have an intense workout, you might want to supplement water with a drink that helps replace the electrolytes your body sweats out. Forget sports drinks loaded with high fructose corn syrup and additives, and opt for coconut water or water naturally flavored with lemon and honey instead.

Ive compiled 20 healthy drinks that you can incorporate into your life easily!

How The Body Produces Energy

Does Vitamin C Help Adrenal Fatigue?

Its common knowledge that the body processes food to create the energy it needs to power its metabolic functions. Proteins and fats are good sources of energy, but carbohydrates are even better.

Once carbs and the other macronutrients reach the stomach, theyre broken down to produce the glucose that the body uses as fuel. Thats where vitamins enter the picture.

A quick but necessary side note: you probably remember the term catalyst from science class, even if you dont remember what it means. A catalyst is a substance that triggers or aids a chemical reaction.

OK, back to energy. The digestive system cant do all of the work to turn food into energy by itself. It needs catalysts to help with many of the chemical processes that are required.

And youve probably guessed what those catalysts are: vitamins . Theyre necessary to produce the glucose that powers the body and brain. Some, like B vitamins, also help the bodys cells to efficiently use that blood sugar.

That doesnt mean the vitamins are used up once energy is created. Catalysts dont change their physical or chemical form after theyve triggered a reaction, so the vitamins are still available to the body to help build stronger bones, strengthen the immune system, and perform their other important functions.

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Are There Any Side Effects From Multivitamins

With a little background about the potential benefits of multivitamins, you may wonder if there are any downsides to a daily supplement.

Typically, when taken as directed, vitamin supplements are safe and have no noticeable side effects. That said, there are a few scenarios to avoid:

  • Medication interactions â Prescription and over-the-counter medications can cause negative side effects when taken in combination with multivitamins. Taking any medications? Consult with a healthcare provider before introducing a dietary supplement into your life.
  • Overdose â While many vitamins are water-soluble and safe in large doses, some can cause serious side effects when taken in excess. It is a good rule of thumb to try to avoid exceeding the recommended dosage of any supplement and avoid mixing dietary supplements with duplicative ingredients.
  • Nausea â A multivitamin taken on an empty stomach can cause pain and nausea. Additionally, multivitamins that contain large amounts of minerals may cause more stomach pain when taken on an empty stomach.

Overview Of Cellular Energy Production

In humans, dietary macronutrients provide the fuel required to maintain the biochemical and structural integrity of the body, to perform physical activity and to enable new tissue deposition . Ingested food is digested by enzymes that break down carbohydrates into monomeric sugars , lipids into fatty acids and proteins into amino acids. Sugars, fatty acids and amino acids enter the cell, where a gradual oxidation occurs, first in the cytosol, then in the mitochondria. The energy-generation process can be broken down into the three steps described below, that ultimately produce chemical energy as ATP that can be easily used elsewhere in the cell.

Oxidation of macronutrients into acetyl co-enzyme A

Overview of the involvement of vitamins and minerals in the major pathways of cellular energy production. This figure displays a simplified scheme of energy metabolism. Briefly, macronutrients are oxidized into acetyl-CoA through several pathways including glycolysis, which produces pyruvate from glucose, and vitamins B1, B2, B3, B5 and C play important roles Then acetyl-CoA enters the citric acid cycle , which generates energy as NADH and FADH2 through a series of eight oxidations that involve vitamins B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B8 and B12 as well as iron and magnesium. Finally, the electrons of NADH and FADH2 are transferred to the electron transport chain , where they provide energy used to generate ATP molecules this step needs the input of vitamins B2, B3, B5 and of iron.

Also Check: 4 X 6 Anti Fatigue Kitchen Mat

Is Caffeine A Good Energy Boost

Many of us love a good cup of morning coffee. But relying on caffeine from coffee or energy drinks to keep your energy levels up throughout the day isn’t a good idea. Caffeine can mess with your sleep patterns and can affect your energy levels the next day. Instead, get a good seven to eight hours of rest a night, exercise regularly, and keep your body nurtured with energy-promoting nutrients such as vitamin B3, antioxidants and ginseng.

Best Minerals And Supplements For Energy

Fatigue Supplement: Fatigue Relief Plus
  • Magnesium is an important mineral in the production of energy. It is necessary for muscle relaxation and nerve impulse transmission, making it a natural choice for people who want an extra burst of energy or have chronic tiredness due to a magnesium deficiency.
  • Magnesium can help you fight fatigue by increasing your ability to produce adenosine triphosphate, which is the molecule that our cells use as fuel when they require immediate energy.
  • Magnesium is a natural diuretic, which can help with fatigue by decreasing fluid retention and improving blood circulation.
  • Rhodiola Rosea:
  • Rhodiola Rosea is commonly used to help the body cope with stress and improve its ability to deal with fatigue.
  • According to studies, this herb may improve physical performance and reduce mental fatigue.
  • Creatine is a naturally occurring protein compound found in pork, red meat, poultry, and fish. It is an excellent source of immediate energy for the body.
  • High-potency liquid herbal and vitamin supplements that contain creatine can help you maintain your energy levels throughout the day.
  • Creatine supplements improve bench press strength by up to five percent.
  • According to Ayurveda, ashwagandha is one of the most powerful and important herbs and has been used in some of the world’s oldest medicinal systems.
  • It is thought to boost energy levels by strengthening the body’s resistance to mental and physical stress . Ashwagandha helps with fatigue caused by physical activity.
  • Acetyl-L-carnitine:
  • You May Like: Chronic Fatigue Syndrome In Men

    Try Everlywell Vitamins And Supplements To Support Your Well

    Multivitamins can provide support for energy levels and overall well-being. To find the best formula for your health needs, consult your healthcare provider. Equipped with the right information, they can point you towards the specific nutrients that your body might need. Then, consider trying a monthly Everlywell subscription for the nutrient of your choice, including:


    1. How to Understand and Use the Nutrition Facts Label. Food & Drug Administration. URL. Accessed May 13, 2022.

    2. Macronutrients. U.S. Department of Agriculture. URL. Accessed May 13, 2022.

    3. Micronutrient Facts. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. URL. Accessed May 13, 2022.

    4. CDCâs Second Nutrition Report. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. URL. Accessed May 13, 2022.

    5. Tardy AL, Pouteau E, Marquez D, Yilmaz C, Scholey A. Vitamins and Minerals for Energy, Fatigue and Cognition: A Narrative Review of the Biochemical and Clinical Evidence. Nutrients. 2020 12:228.

    Fatigue Lack Of Energy And Lower Physical And Cognitive Performance

    While the above-quoted surveys rely on subject report, their findings are consistent with more objective assessments of the effects of fatigue on mood and physical and cognitive performance. However, because current terminology does not reflect the wide range of fatigue states, and because validated experimental models are still missing, it is difficult to precisely describe and quantify how fatigue influences human performance . Nevertheless, numerous studies have reported that fatigue elicited by physical training translates into worsened sport performance. For instance, cross-country skiers had decreased double poling performance after a 25 min trunk fatiguing exercise sequence, compared with a 25 min rest , and fatigued ballet dancers exhibited impaired movement control, which may increase the risk of injury . Interestingly, impaired performance appeared to be associated with not only physical and muscular fatigue, but also mental fatigue. For example table tennis players hit the ball with lower speed and accuracy when they had previously completed a 90 min cognitive task .

    Recommended Reading: Long-term Effects Of Mononucleosis Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

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