Saturday, September 14, 2024

Recovering From Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

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S To Recover From Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

My recovery from Chronic Fatigue Syndrome using Brain Retraining and research on why it works.

Amy Myers, MD

Amy Myers, M.D. is a functional medicine physician, trained and certified by The Institute of Functional Medicine. Dr. Myers earned her Doctor of Medicine at the LSU Health Science Center, and completed her Emergency Medicine residency at the University of Maryland Medical Center.

Dr. Myers retired from her functional medicine clinic, Austin UltraHealth, where she served thousands of patients, to empower those who were failed by conventional medicine. Shes a 2x New York Times bestselling author, and the founder and CEO of the health & lifestyle e-commerce brand, Amy Myers MD®.

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome affects up to 2.5 million Americans and for most is a very debilitating illness. Conventional medicine is just now coming around to recognizing CFS as a real syndrome, and it is generally only as a diagnosis of exclusion, meaning they ruled out other diseases and did not find any reason for the fatigue. Symptoms of CFS can be very broad and vague and often include extreme exhaustion, memory loss, headache, muscle fatigue, weakness, and pain lasting at least six months.

Conventional medicines only treatment for CFS is prescription drugs to manage symptoms, including pain medications, sleep aids, and antidepressants.

Comparison Of Reported Recovery And Functional Outcomes Between Two Groups

The demographics, proportion followed up, functional outcomes and reported duration of illness for both groups were compared to identify whether a systematic bias was introduced when young people return or fail to return baseline information. Returning information may reflect level of engagement, severity of illness or exercising choice.

I Was Taking Pain Killers Daily

I was a very fit and active person until 1998 when I had a lower back injury. As a result, I couldnât walk more than 100 yards without going into excruciating spasm. I was bed-ridden a lot of the time, I was anxious and depressed and had constant fatigue. Going on a journey was a nightmare! I was having osteopathy 2-3 times a week and was hanging on for every appointment. I was on the point of being registered disabled and my partner became my carer.

I then had some treatment from my pain consultant which really eased everything and gave me hope. Unfortunately, I was unable to sustain this and I needed nerve denervation more and more frequently. I was still having twice weekly physiotherapy and was taking pain killers daily.

I was then involved in a car accident, sustained a lumber whiplash and this set me back hugely. To be truthful, it felt like the end. Having run out of options, a few months later my consultant suggested I consider doing the programme with Kate. I was initially very sceptical and took my time before doing it â but I did!

The progress I have made since then has been truly amazing. I go climbing regularly and I have my life back! I go to the gym, do weights, swim, walk, and go on holidays. Now my partner and I just have fun and our lives have totally changed.


Read more about The BodyMind Programme here

Also Check: Long-term Effects Of Mononucleosis Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

Warning To Parents On The Potential Risks Of Orthodontic Treatment

When I was 13 years old, I had orthodontic treatment to correct my crowded teeth which involved removing four otherwise healthy bicuspids and fitting metal braces which pulled my front teeth backwards to close the resulting gaps and straighten my remaining teeth. This routine process called premolar extraction/retraction orthodontics contributed to me developing obstructive sleep apnea by further reducing tongue space in my already undersized mouth with the result that my tongue is forced backwards into my airway during sleep.

Fifteen Month Vivos Mrna Appliance Update

Airnergy: CFS  Chronic Fatigue Syndrome  AIRNERGY

This update is delayed by a month while Ive been busy dealing with other things, such as recovering from nasal surgery. Its mainly for people who love graphs because I couldnt use my CPAP machine for three weeks after the surgery, so the pressure trend analysis is a bit useless but Ill include it anyway for completeness.

Read Also: Extreme Fatigue When It Rains

Do Recovery Rates Change Over Time

Exact time to recovery was not reported in any of the included papers.

Six papers specifically reported recovery at 6months. Recovery rate ranged from 58% to 83% in the intervention groups. All interventions involved CBT and one involved psychoeducation. Recovery was lower in children receiving usual care or no intervention at 6 months .

Two papers reported recovery at 12 months. A recovery rate of 64% was reported in those receiving CBT, compared with 8% in those receiving usual care. Recovery rates were stable between 6 and 12 months in both arms. The other found 59% recovered following CBT, while 65% recovered after psychoeducation.

Six papers reported recovery rates at multiple time points. Four of these showed increased recovery rates over time. One showed improvement in the control arm but lower recovery rates in the intervention arm between 6 and 12 months.

The included papers primarily involved teenage participants. Few included younger children where they were included, data specifically for this population were not available. No papers specifically explored recovery in a primary schoolaged population. As a result, we were unable to comment on whether recovery rates differ in younger populations.

Glandular Fever And Cfs

I had glandular fever in 1993 and quickly learnt to manage my energy levels. I suffered from occupational stress in 2007 and was diagnosed with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome in early 2008. As a result I had become increasingly less effective at home and work. Looking back I was just about surviving life rather than living it. Although during 2008 I built up to playing squash occasionally or go walking, I wasnât able to live the life I wanted to and invariably ended up doing only 1 thing I loved at the weekends to allow me to work full time.

In late August 2008, I saw a newspaper article and thought âWow, Iâve got to try this!â I studied the internet and noticed it was based around NLP. I was really encouraged by this fact as I had first hand experience that âthis stuff worksâ.

I attended the course in November 2008 and Iâve not looked back since. Iâve been full of energy since day 1 tackling all sorts of jobs in the house that Iâve not been able to face doing for years. I had this immediate urge to tidy anything that I noticed was laying around! I play squash, go to the gym and walk whenever I want to. Iâm now reading books and playing the piano again. The âLife I loveâ continues to improve month on month. My work colleagues and family have noticed a big difference too.

Anita W.

Read more about The BodyMind Programme here.

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Up From The Ashes: Jamess Severe Me/cfs Recovery/recovering Story

by Cort Johnson | Jun 15, 2022 | Abilify, Cytokines, Diagnosis, Drugs, Homepage, Hydrocortisone , Immune, Mast cell activation syndrome, Mast cell activation syndrome, Recovery Stories, Severe ME/CFS |

Id been corresponding with Frank, Jamess father, for several years. His son, a former emergency room doctor, had a very severe case of ME/CFS, and Frank had been beating the bushes to find anything that could help. Nothing, however, was working. Recently, though, I got a surprising message. His son was on the mend. Below is a rare story someone with a very severe case of ME/CFS who has made remarkable progress.

Prior to getting ill, James worked as a professional model to put himself through medical school.

My illness started in 2009 at the end of my Residency medical training as an emergency room doctor. I worked as a California Board Certified E.R. Doctor before I collapsed at work in 2015 and ended up bedridden and incapacitated.

I can identify with what Whitney Dafoe and others are going through on a very real and deep human level: I was mostly bedbound for almost 6 years, clinically declining all the time, wearing earplugs constantly to block all sounds and a black T-shirt over my eyes because I could not tolerate light or visual stimulation. I could only wear shorts because my body was so painful to touch/pressure. I could only whisper to my mom that I was dying, and I used hand gestures for things I needed.

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My Recovery From Fibromyalgia

How Tammie Is Recovering From CFS at 58 Years Old! | CHRONIC FATIGUE SYNDROME

BeforeBefore getting ill, I was a young professional woman who had just given birth to a beautiful baby girl. I was married, happy and ready to begin the new venture of motherhood. Four weeks after my labour, I developed a very painful shoulder.

My symptoms cascaded into painful joints. I suffered with excruciating pain in my shoulders, knees, elbows and hips. At its very worst the pain developed in my face and buttocks, and I couldnât name a part of my body which didnât hurt. I suffered with a constant burning, aching, tingling pain, struggled with extreme fatigue, and was awake for around two hours a day.

My life took on a whole new narrative, which I found indescribably difficult to cope with. All of my dreams of motherhood had been shattered and I was told I would never work again in a career I loved as primary school teacher, and that I would always need support to care for my baby. I was virtually housebound and my husband was forced to give up work and care for me and our daughter. I cannot use words to exemplify how desperate the whole situation had become.

I had what seemed like hundreds of appointments with my GP, a plethora of tests and an MRI scan which all concluded negative. I remember feeling extremely alone and vulnerable and I even began to loose trust in my own integrity. I felt as if I was walking in treacle and it just got harder each day.


Read more about The BodyMind Programme here.

Also Check: How To Know If I Have Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

Patients Hopes For Recovery From Myalgic Encephalomyelitis And Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: Toward A Recovery In Framework

  • SAGE Research MethodsCase Anna Kathryn Taylor and more…SAGE Research Methods Cases
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  • Handbook of Mind-Body Medicine for Primary Care2003
  • The Sage Dictionary of Health and Society2006
  • The Sage Dictionary of Health and Society2006
  • SAGE KnowledgeLiterature review

Diagnosis Of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

  • Laboratory tests to exclude other causes of symptoms

At least one of the following manifestations is also required:

  • Difficulty thinking

  • Feeling of light-headedness or dizziness when standing up that is relieved by lying down

The frequency and severity of the symptoms should be assessed by a doctor. If people do not have these symptoms at least half of the time with moderate, substantial, or severe intensity, doctors reconsider the diagnosis of chronic fatigue syndrome .

Criteria for diagnosis are important mainly because they help doctors communicate clearly with each other when they study a problem. However, when treating a specific individual, doctors focus more on that persons symptoms rather than the criteria.

Don’t Miss: Spit Test For Adrenal Fatigue

Use Vitamins And Supplements

Taking vitamins and supplements, such as a complete essential amino acid blend, can be a safe and easy way to improve the symptoms of chronic fatigue syndrome and make daily activities easier to manage. Be sure to consult with your doctor before taking vitamins or supplements since they can interfere with current medications. Also, excess supplementation can irritate CFS symptoms.

  • Vitamin D is especially helpful for patients who lack sunlight. It can help relieve headache and pain symptoms if taken in proper doses.
  • Magnesium can encourage more restful sleep. Take with apple juice for better absorption before bedtime.
  • Probiotics can counter gastrointestinal issues, especially if patients take antibiotics to treat frequent infections.
  • Vitamin B12 aids brain function and helps to increase energy levels.
  • Amino acid L-carnitine and its derivative acyl-L-carnitines were shown to reduce physical and mental fatigue, while improving cognitive status and physical functions in patients with chronic fatigue syndrome. An essential amino acid supplement can also help provide energy, especially during exercise.

Before starting any steps to recovery from chronic fatigue syndrome, it is important to work with your health care providers, who can help cater a treatment plan that best suits your specific needs. Many treatments that exist are not scientifically backed, may be costly, and may cause further harm.

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Adhere To A Sound Diet

Chronic fatigue syndrome is in your gut, not your head

Eating small meals throughout the day can encourage a healthy appetite and help combat insomnia. Avoid consuming too many fluids with meals to discourage bloating. Eating mild foods can help relieve gastrointestinal issues. Water is the ideal beverage. Infuse water with cucumbers and citrus fruits to improve taste and electrolytes. Alcohol and too much caffeine can worsen chronic fatigue syndrome symptoms. Patients with heart disease may need to closely monitor their salt intake.

Also Check: Self Test For Adrenal Fatigue

Prognosis And Quality Of Life

What needs to happen with ME research?Dr Charles Shepherd, Hon. Medical Adviser to the ME Association, explains what is required from research in order to firmly establish M.E. as a biological illness, in a short video that was made by ME/CVS Vereniging.

Page Contents:

Real People. Real Disease. Real M.E.

At the ME Association, we believe it is high time the world at large realises that this disease can affect anyone any age, any ethnicity and can occur at any time of life.

People with M.E. are demonstrating they possess the confidence to be seen and are raising more awareness than ever before! It’s not too late: Join the Real M.E. campaign.

The ME Association Clinical and Research Guide

This section of the website comprises extracts taken from the 2019 edition of our guide

  • The 11th edition of our clinical and research guide is a must-have for anyone who has been affected by or has an interest in ME/CFS/PVFS.
  • This authoritative publication represents the most comprehensive, evidence-based summary currently available and contains everything that health professionals and patients need to know about this devastating neurological disease.
  • It has been written by Dr Charles Shepherd, Hon. Medical Adviser to the ME Association and Dr Abhijit Chaudhuri, Consultant Neurologist, from the Essex Centre for Neurosciences.
  • To purchase your copy, visit our website shop, or click the image opposite. The guide is also available as a Kindle e-Book!

Part 2:

Research into prognosis

Depression Stress And Anxiety

Adjusting to a chronic, debilitating illness sometimes leads to other problems, including depression, stress, and anxiety. Many patients with ME/CFS develop depression during their illness. When present, depression or anxiety should be treated. Although treating depression or anxiety can be helpful, it is not a cure for ME/CFS.

Some people with ME/CFS might benefit from antidepressants and anti-anxiety medications. However, doctors should use caution in prescribing these medications. Some drugs used to treat depression have other effects that might worsen other ME/CFS symptoms and cause side effects. When healthcare providers are concerned about patients psychological condition, they may recommend seeing a mental health professional.

Some people with ME/CFS might benefit from trying techniques like deep breathing and muscle relaxation, massage, and movement therapies . These can reduce stress and anxiety, and promote a sense of well-being.

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Regularly Monitor And Discuss Specific Symptoms

A patients care team can help foster a synergistic approach to managing a patients symptoms through effective communication. Seek health care professionals and counselors who are well-informed about chronic fatigue syndrome and encourage these professionals to speak with each other about best treatment options.

A patient should feel comfortable expressing any fears or concerns about their illness or the care they are receiving, so it is important that all involved be sensitive to a patients perceptions. Often, a patient may feel they are failing at treatment if they do not see noticeable improvements. Skilled professionals should master the art of revising treatment methods that address consistent issues. Pacing mental and physical activities can be effective when journaling a patients progress.

Doubling Down On The Cfs Research

Burn Out to Brilliance. Recovery from Chronic Fatigue | Linda Jones | TEDxBirminghamCityUniversity

My research and experience since then, have led me to believe that everyone is capable of retraining their brain and resetting their system. It wont happen overnight, but for anyone willing to put in the time and take the small daily steps, Ive teamed up with a group of Ph.D. Neuroscientists and clinicians to create re-origin: a science-based, self-directed neuroplasticity program that you can do yourself.

Whether its ongoing physical pain that youve been feeling, anxiety, or exhaustion without any clear apparent cause. I want to assure you that there is a cause, and most importantly, theres a solution. Its not all in your head, but it might be stemming from your brain. And fortunately, thats good news because the brain is really good at adapting and changing itself. And through the right techniques and exercises, you can actually rewire the brain to produce a response thats more pleasant and more advantageous for overall health, healing & happiness.

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Common Brain Fog Causes

  • Medical conditions

Each persons experience with brain fog is unique so that brain fog can be caused by a number of different factors.

In this blog post, I am going to focus onnatural brain fog remedies that have been shown scientifically to help with brain fatigue and other symptoms associated with brain fog, including poor concentration, mental confusion, and lack of memory recall.

Its important to note that brain fog can be a symptom of other underlying health conditions.

So, if you are experiencing brain fog and it does not go away after trying some of the remedies listed below, it is important to see a doctor for further evaluation.

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