Friday, September 6, 2024

How Is Lupus Fatigue Treated

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What Medicines Can Treat Lupus

Lupus Fatigue: Causes, Treatments and Management

Because lupus can cause a lot of different symptoms, there are many different kinds of medicines that can treat it. A doctor will need to prescribe some of them others are available over the counter. The most common medicines used to treat lupus include:

  • Anticoagulants to help prevent blood clots
  • Anti-inflammatories to help with
  • Antimalarials to protect skin from rashes and UV light
  • Biologics to help your immune system work correctly
  • Immunosuppressives to help keep your immune system from attacking your body
  • Steroids to help with inflammation

Any medicine you take for lupus can have serious side effects. Talk with your doctors about what changes to watch for, and tell your doctors right away if you have side effects.

Some lupus medicines arent safe to take when youre pregnant or breastfeeding. If youre pregnant or planning to get pregnant, talk with your doctors about which treatments are safe for you and your baby.

Learn more about medicines used to treat lupus:

Diagnosing And Treating Lupus

Talk to your doctor if you have lupus symptoms. Lupus is a chronic disease with no cure. This means that you can manage it with treatment, but it will not go away. Treatment can help improve your symptoms, prevent flares, and prevent other health problems often caused by lupus. Your treatment will depend on your symptoms and needs.

New Lupus Treatments Offer Hope

Another frustrating aspect of lupus relates to the side effects of treatments that have served as hallmark therapies for decades. Many lupus patients depend on glucocorticoids, including prednisone, to soothe symptoms. Glucocorticoids can be lifesaving, but can also cause complications, such as weight gain and weak bones .

Doctors hope that will change with the introduction of the two new therapies approved in 2021 that are specifically targeted for lupus. While older medications have been designed to suppress the bodys entire immune system, these new drugs target specific molecules.

There are now three of these targeted medications:

  • Saphnelo approved in August 2021. This monoclonal antibody is designed to treat an excess of interferon activation, which plays an essential role in lupus inflammation. Its administered by intravenous infusion.
  • Benlysta approved in 2011, is also a monoclonal antibody it targets a protein that may help lessen the impact of abnormal cells that contribute to inflammation in lupus. Its given by injection in the abdomen or thighor by intravenous infusion. It is approved for use in children ages 5 and older, and was recently approved in 2020 for adults who have lupus with kidney involvement.
  • Lupkynis approved in January 2021, is the first oral medication FDA-approved for lupus nephritis. It works by helping to stop cells that cause inflammation in lupus nephritis, while protecting the kidneys from serious damage.

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How Is Lupus Treated

There is no cure for lupus but treatments can help you feel better and improve your symptoms. Your treatment will depend on your symptoms and needs. The goals of treatment are to:

  • Treat symptoms when they happen
  • Reduce organ damage and other problems
  • Reduce swelling and pain
  • Calm your immune system to prevent it from attacking the organs and tissues in your body
  • Reduce or prevent damage to the joints
  • Reduce or prevent organ damage

What types of medicines treat lupus?

Several different types of medicines treat lupus. Your doctors and nurses may change the medicine they prescribe for your lupus as your symptoms and needs change.

Types of medicines commonly used to treat lupus include:

  • Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs . Over-the-counter NSAIDs, such as ibuprofen and naproxen, help reduce mild pain and swelling in joints and muscles.
  • Corticosteroids. Corticosteroids may help reduce swelling, tenderness, and pain. In high doses, they can calm the immune system. Corticosteroids, sometimes just called steroids, come in different forms: pills, a shot, or a cream to apply to the skin. Lupus symptoms usually respond very quickly to these powerful drugs. Once this has happened, your doctor will lower your dose slowly until you no longer need it. The longer a person uses these drugs, the harder it becomes to lower the dose. Stopping this medicine suddenly can harm your body.

Can I treat my lupus with alternative medicine?

Will I need to see a special doctor for my lupus?

Kidney And Liver Function Tests

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These include blood and urine tests, which are carried out regularly so any problems caused by the lupus or by drug treatment can be picked up and dealt with quickly.

A simple urine test can show if theres protein or blood in the urine. This test can help doctors recognise a problem in the kidneys at an early stage. Further tests may be carried out if necessary.

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What Causes Lupus Fatigue

The most common causes of lupus fatigue include:

  • Flare-ups caused caused by the release of inflammatory chemicals in the body
  • Thyroid imbalance
  • Low vitamin D levels
  • Fibromyalgia, which is a separate disease that some patients with lupus experience

Speak with your doctor about lupus fatigue in lupus. Your doctor can evaluate the possible cause and provide appropriate treatment to reduce symptoms.

Meeting Others With Lupus

Lupus is a difficult condition to live with and throws up many challenges, especially during periods of life when you may need more energy.

Meeting others with lupus doesnt necessarily remove these challenges but it can help you to cope with them by sharing your thoughts and concerns with someone who understands. You may have access to an education programme through a lupus nurse specialist or you may wish to meet others through patient support groups such as LUPUS UK.

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Lupus And Fatigue: Causes And Management

If you are living with lupus, youve most likely experienced fatigue as a symptom. According to Dr. Ashira Blazer, assistant professor of rheumatology at the New York University School of Medicine, fatigue is one of the most troubling symptoms for people with lupus. Luckily, there are tools to use to improve your fatigue, she said.

Here, we explain what causes fatigue with lupus and how to manage this extremely common, yet life-altering, symptom.

Who Is Most At Risk For Lupus

Lupus Treatment

Lupus may affect as many as 1.5 million Americans, but it is significantly more common in women ages 15 to 44 yearswho make up 9 out of 10 new diagnoses overall. It also has the highest prevalence among women of color including African-American and Hispanic women. There are different types of lupus, including some variants that affect newborns and children.

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How Is Lupus In Men Different

Lupus is less common in men than it is in women. In fact, a 2019 study estimated that only about 1 in 10 people who have lupus is male.

Overall, lupus symptoms are similar between men and women. However, the severity of the condition may differ between genders. In fact, men may have more severe disease than women, including kidney disease and pleuritis.

A 2016 study found no difference in lupus disease characteristics between the genders, except for hair loss being more obvious in women. However, they did find that men with lupus had higher disease activity at diagnosis.

Things I Took For Granted Before My Lupus Diagnosis

  • Reactions 0 reactions

Getting diagnosed with lupus changed my life forever. I now had a “new normal” that I would have to adapt to. Looking at things retrospectively, there were a lot of things that I took for granted. Everyone in my family was relatively healthy, so never in a million things did I ever think twice about “normal” things in life. But, getting a lupus diagnosis really puts things in perspective. Living with lupus is hard, and I always have to keep pushing through.

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Accept Fatigue As A Condition Of Having Lupus

  • Refuse to indulge in self-blame. It is not your fault that you have lupus.
  • Make rest time a priority, and make sure your family knows why. If you rest now, you can participate later.
  • Challenge yourself to ask for what you need. Asking for help will become easier with time and practice.
  • Accept help thats offeredit will result in stronger bonds between you and those who care about you.

How Is Lupus In Women Different

Lupus Fact / awareness

Lupus occurs more frequently in women than in men. The CDC says that its most common in women who are between the ages of .

Having lupus can also cause some health conditions to occur earlier than they typically would.

Women of specific ethnic groups may be more likely to experience certain symptoms. African American women with lupus are more at risk for seizures and strokes, while Hispanic and Latina women with lupus are at an increased risk of developing heart problems.

Its important to know that women who have lupus can still become pregnant and have healthy children. However, pregnancy in women with lupus is considered high risk. This is because women with lupus may be more at risk of certain types of complications, including:

  • more frequent lupus flares

Most women with lupus will go on to have healthy babies. Its very rare, but sometimes women with lupus can give birth to a baby with neonatal lupus. This type of lupus typically goes away after a few months. However, some infants with neonatal lupus may have serious developmental issues in the heart.

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What Are The Different Types Of Lupus

There are several different types of lupus. Systemic lupus erythematosus is the most common. Other types of lupus include:

  • Cutaneous lupus erythematosus: This type of lupus affects the skin cutaneous is a term meaning skin. Individuals with cutaneous lupus erythematosus may experience skin issues like a sensitivity to the sun and rashes. Hair loss can also be a symptom of this condition.
  • Drug-induced lupus: These cases of lupus are caused by certain medications. People with drug-induced lupus may have many of the same symptoms of systemic lupus erythematosus, but its usually temporary. Often, this type of lupus goes away once you stop the medication thats causing it.
  • Neonatal lupus: A rare type of lupus, neonatal lupus is a condition found in infants at birth. Children born with neonatal lupus have antibodies that were passed to them from their mother who either had lupus at the time of the pregnancy or may have the condition later in life. Not every baby born to a mother with lupus will have the disease.

How Do Doctors Diagnose Lupus Fatigue

Your doctor will ask you a series of questions to understand what may be causing your fatigue. These questions may be followed up with blood work or other tests to rule in or rule out related conditions called comorbidities. Common questions include:1

  • How well do you sleep?
  • How many hours can you work before you hit the wall?
  • What do you try to do every day?
  • How often do you feel exhausted? How long does it last?
  • Is there something you want to do but cant because of how tired you feel?
  • Have you had to give up activities you enjoy because youre too tired?

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Objective Assessment Of Fatigue Using Validated Pros

Because fatigue is a highly subjective symptom, the standardised assessment of fatigue using validated patient-reported outcomes is an important step. The use of validated PROs also allows for an individual follow-up of fatigue intensity and symptoms over time, and may help in underlining the benefit of a therapeutic intervention at the patient level. It is also a way to show that the physician is genuinely interested in understanding and treating the cause of fatigue, which is important from the patients perspective, and helps in establishing a trusting physicianpatient relationship. Among a total of 16 different fatigue PROs which have been used in SLE, the FSS and the short-FSS are the most used ones, but the MFI and the Fatigue-VAS have also been used, although less commonly . The FACIT-Fatigue score is commonly used in clinical trials but has been infrequently used in routine clinical practice.

Main determinants of fatigue in patients with SLE.

Fatigue has been associated with several SLE-specific organ manifestations:

Other clinical manifestations of SLE have been associated with fatigue: in the FATILUP study, we found arthritis and oral ulcers to be individual SLE Disease Activity Index score components associated with severe fatigue. This may underline a more specific role for painful disease manifestations in SLE.

Practice Good Sleep Hygiene

Recognize the symptoms: Fatigue, rashes can point to lupus

Going to sleep and waking up at regular times is crucial in fighting daytime fatigue. Many people living with chronic conditions deal with insomnia and other sleep disorders that contribute to fatigue. If you think you have a sleep disorder or have trouble sleeping through the night, make sure to speak to your rheumatologist. They can refer you to a specialist that focuses on sleep problems.

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How Can I Find The Right Treatments For Me

Treating lupus can be difficult. It can take months or even years to find the right combination of treatment options . Your treatment plan may depend on things like your age, your lifestyle, and any other health conditions you have.

A special doctor called a rheumatologist can help you find the right treatment plan and refer you to other types of doctors to treat specific symptoms.

Learn more about the types of doctors who treat lupus.

Who Treats Systemic Lupus Erythematosus

Most people will see a rheumatologist for their lupus treatment. A rheumatologist is a doctor who specializes in rheumatic diseases, such as arthritis and other inflammatory or autoimmune disorders. Clinical immunologists, doctors who specialize in immune system disorders, may also treat people with lupus. Other health care providers may provide treatment, including:

  • Primary care providers, such as a family physician or internal medicine specialist.
  • Mental health professionals, who provide counseling and treat mental health disorders such as depression and anxiety.
  • Nephrologists, who treat kidney disease.
  • Cardiologists, who specialize in treating diseases of the heart and blood vessels.
  • Hematologists, who specialize in blood disorders.
  • Endocrinologists, who treat problems related to the glands and hormones.
  • Dermatologists, who specialize in conditions of the skin, hair, and nails.
  • Pulmonologists, who treat lung problems.
  • Neurologists, who treat disorders and diseases of the spine, brain, and nerves.

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Signs And Symptoms Of Lupus

Lupus is an autoimmune condition that causes inflammation in the body. Most people with lupus experience extreme fatigue and body pain, among other symptoms.

Lupus is a chronic autoimmune disease. When a person has an autoimmune disease, their immune system attacks healthy cells or tissues by mistake, which can cause inflammation throughout the body.

Lupus can affect any part of the body, including the muscles, joints, skin, heart, kidney, lungs, and blood. These symptoms range from mild to severe and look different from person to person. Because each case of lupus is so different, your individual symptoms can range from affecting just one part of your body to all parts of your body.

Talk With Others Who Understand

What is lupus

On MyLupusTeam, the social network for people with lupus and their loved ones, more than 213,500 members come together to ask questions, give advice, and share their stories with others who can relate to their lupus experience.

Have you experienced fatigue while living with lupus? How have you managed it? Share your experience in the comments below, or start a conversation by posting on your Activities page.

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Looking After Your Mental Health

Because of the pain, fatigue and disruption to life, lupus can cause anxiety and depression.

Its important to talk to someone you trust if youre feeling down or worried. This could be a friend, relative or a healthcare professional. Versus Arthritis has a helpline if youd like to speak to one of our trained advisors. Our helpline is open Monday to Friday from 9am to 8pm. Call free from the UK on 0800 5200 520.

Even if it doesnt affect the course of the condition, emotional stress can sometimes make lupus seem worse. Its not always easy, but there are things we can all do to help manage stresses in our life. For example you might want to try relaxation techniques such as meditation or mindfulness.

Your doctor may be able to refer you to a psychologist who can help with coping strategies.

Therapies such as cognitive behavioural therapy may help. This is a talking therapy that can help you manage problems by changing the way you think and behave. Its most commonly used to treat anxiety and depression, but can be useful for other mental and physical health problems.

Regular exercise can improve feelings of stress, anxiety and depression.

Tips For Restful Sleep

The National Sleep Foundation offers several suggestions for getting a good nights sleep, including:4

  • Stick to a schedule so your body is used to falling asleep and waking at certain times
  • Avoid bright light, including lights from electronic devices, an hour before bedtime.
  • Dont nap, especially in the afternoon.

Fatigue can greatly impact your quality of life, so it is vital that you do what you can to manage your exhaustion.

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Lupus Fatigue: Causes Treatment And Managing Expectations

The unrelenting exhaustion of lupus fatigue affects up to 80% of those living with SLE. Read on to learn what the medical community has to say about its causes, symptoms and some of the best ways to cope with this extremely common and sometimes debilitating condition.


Fatigue is more than just a desire for a shot of espresso in the morning or the need to hit the sack a little early to make up for a late night out. Fatigue can be a physically and emotionally debilitating conundrum one that is not easy to solve and it goes beyond curling up on the couch with a throw blanket and a good movie waiting for of sleep to take its course. Fatigue can mean that sleep itself is illusive.

In their article Fatigue in Systemic Lupus Erythematosus, researchers Grace Ahn and Rosalind Ramsey-Goldman note that approximately 53-80% of individuals with SLE report experiencing fatigue as one of their main symptoms. According to the Mayo Clinic, fatigue is the feeling of unrelenting exhaustion that is profound and isnt relieved by rest. It can grossly affect your ability to function day-to-day and experience a good quality of life. Fatigue is a loss of energy you may fear youll never recoup. Therefore, fatigue is not only physically draining, but can be emotionally devastating as well.

What are the causes and symptoms of lupus fatigue?

What does the research say about managing lupus fatigue?

Combating and Coping with Fatigue

In Conclusion


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