Monday, September 16, 2024

Heart Conditions That Cause Fatigue

Must Read

When To Go To The Hospital

15 Early Warning Signs Of Heart Disease You Should Lookout For

You need to seek emergency treatment if you have any of these symptoms:

Chest Pain

Chest pain should always be considered a serious symptom because it can indicate an emergency situation. If youâre experiencing chest pain and any of these factors apply to you, you should seek emergency care:

  • You have a strong family history of early heart disease.
  • Youâre 45 years old or older and you have any of the risk factors for coronary artery disease, including obesity, smoking, family history, diabetes, high cholesterol, or a sedentary lifestyle.
  • The pain is worse than any other chest pain youâve had.
  • The pain feels like itâs spreading to your neck, shoulders, upper abdomen, arms, back, or jaws.
  • The pain is crushing, tight, heavy, or feels like squeezing.
  • You also feel nauseous, fatigued, weak, short of breath, dizzy, sweaty, or youâve fainted.
  • You feel like something is very wrong.
  • The pain keeps getting worse as the minutes pass.
  • The pain is unlike anything youâve experienced before.

Heart Attack Symptoms

If you have symptoms of a heart attack, be sure to seek emergency medical care. These symptoms include:

  • Chest or arm pain, pressure, or discomfort that may spread to your neck, back, or jaw
  • Shortness of breath
  • Dizziness and loss of coordination
  • Difficulty breathing

If youâre with a loved one and suspect he or she is having a stroke, use these measures to help you determine if thereâs a problem:

Sudden Cardiac Arrest

  • Collapsing suddenly

Stress Effects On Bp Hr Ci And Si In Relation To Fatigue

As seen in , there was a significant stress effect for MAP and heart rate such that HR increased significantly from baseline to speech preparation to speech delivery . Mean arterial pressure increased significantly from baseline to preparation to speaking . No significant differences were found in HR or BP response between the various fatigue groups, nor was there a significant group-by-period interaction observed for MAP or HR.

Mean arterial pressure and heart rate responses error bars indicate SEM. A, Mean arterial pressure at baseline, during speech preparation, and during speaking periods. The high-fatigue group shows a significantly higher MAP than the moderate- and low-fatigue groups. There was no group × task interaction. B, Heart rate at baseline, during speech preparation, and during speaking periods. All 3 measures increased significantly in response to the stressor from baseline to preparation to speaking.

As seen in , there were significant stress effects on SI and on CI . There was also a significant effect of fatigue on SI and CI . The high-fatigue group had significantly lower levels of SI than the moderate-fatigue group or the low-fatigue group . No significant differences were found between moderate- and low-fatigue groups. No significant group-by-period interactions were observed.

Reason : When + What You Eat Matters

Its no secret that heart failure can steal your appetite. The food choices you make, as well as your eating habits, can affect your energy level and quality of life.

Here, preventive cardiology dietitian , offers 8 tips for adopting a heart-healthy diet:

  • Limit salt. Unhealthy foods will worsen how you feel, Zumpano says. You want to follow a low-salt diet. Salt causes fluid retention, and your fatigue will worsen.
  • Eliminate added sugar. If you are already restricting salt intake, make sure you are eating high-quality carbohydrates, such as whole grains. Eliminate added sugar in the form of sugar-sweetened beverages, jelly, syrup, candy, baked goods and desserts. Its tempting to reach for sugary treats for the quick energy they provide, but in the long run, they will cause your blood sugar to drop and youll feel more tired, Zumpano explains.
  • Eat more fruits and veggies. Load up on whole fruits and vegetables. They contain fiber, which detoxifies the body and helps eliminate excess fluid.
  • Give up foods that come in a box, bag or can. Processed foods can make you feel run-down, she says.
  • Watch out for caffeine. Because caffeine causes dehydration, which leads to fatigue, watch the amount of caffeine you drink. Replace caffeinated beverages with plain water, flavored carbonated water or herbal teas.
  • This article was adapted from Cleveland Clinic Heart Advisor.

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    Cardiac Abnormalities Linked To Me/cfs

    Chronic fatigue syndrome involves a lot more than fatigue. In addition to a few dozen possible symptoms, this disease is also linked to certain heart abnormalities. Does that mean you have to worry about developing heart disease? Not necessarily. However, you should watch out for signs of heart disease and do what you can to lower your risk.

    The incident rate of heart disease is higher in people with ME/CFS than in the general population, and the association may be more than incidental.

    After You Call Emergency Services

    Numerous cardiac abnormalities are linked to fibromyalgia. Find out ...

    When you call emergency services, the dispatcher may ask you about the medicines you take and your allergies. If you dont currently take a blood thinner and you arent allergic to aspirin, the dispatcher may advise you to chew an aspirin while youre waiting on medical attention. If you have nitroglycerin tablets, you may also wish to use these as directed by your doctor to reduce chest pain.

    If you have a list of medications you currently take or any information about your medical history, you may wish to take this information with you. It can speed your medical care.

    Also Check: Doctors That Specialize In Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

    Characteristics Of Incident Hf At Diagnosis

    Among 12,285 newly diagnosed HF cases, 4195 were inpatient diagnoses and 8090 were outpatient diagnoses. The average number of years between the first Geisinger encounter and diagnosis date was 6.6 years. The median age of new HF cases was 76 years and 51% were female. HF cases had large amounts of cardiovascular comorbidity with 60% having coronary atherosclerosis, 25% prior myocardial infarction, 34% cerebrovascular disease, and 37% atrial fibrillation. Clinically documented symptoms near, or prior to, the HF diagnosis date were highly prevalent with 62% having documented dyspnea, 53% chest pain, 43% edema, and 31% syncope.

    Fatigue was clinically documented in 4827 of the incident HF cases. Patients with fatigue were on average older, more likely to be female, had more cardiovascular and non-cardiovascular comorbidity, and more additional symptoms including dyspnea, chest pain, edema, syncope, and palpitations . Though absolute differences were small, patients with fatigue had several worse laboratory parameters, including markers of nutrition and multiple red blood cell indices . Patients with fatigue were also more likely to be prescribed several medications, though absolute differences across fatigue status groups were small .

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    Treat Your Heart Disease

    When heart disease itself is causing fatigue, treating your condition may help alleviate the symptom. There are many treatments for heart disease, including medication, surgery, and lifestyle changes. Finding an effective treatment can help improve the overall health of your heart, allowing it to more effectively pump all the blood your body needs.

    As one member explained, I felt brand-new when I woke up from the operation and could do more than I had before, like walking and enjoying the world. You have a new lease on life because your heart has been fixed. Another wrote, After a year, I felt well enough to climb and bike.

    Don’t Miss: Is Fatigue A Symptom Of Heart Disease

    Surprising Body Cues That Could Be A Heart Concern

    The classic signs of heart troublechest tightness, pressure or painare far from its only signals. People often fail to connect other symptoms theyre experiencing to their actual cause: the heart. This can result in failing to get the help they need for an emergency heart issue, like heart attack or stroke, or a critical delay in getting possible heart disease diagnosed and treated.

    Most people know their bodies better than any doctor does. In general, if you constantly feel something isnt right or isnt what youre used to, that warrants medical attention, says Parag Joshi, M.D., a cardiology fellow with the Johns Hopkins Ciccarone Center for the Prevention of Heart Disease.

    Your whole body can be involved in sending the message that somethings wrong with your heart.

    When Youre Tired Of Being Tired

    Cardiovascular Disease Overview

    If fatigue is affecting your quality of life, its time to talk to your doctor. Tracking your daily sleep and activity levels can help you present him or her with a better overall picture of your condition, especially if your symptoms are vague. If you dont have a fitness or smartwatch, consider downloading a phone app like Sharecare, available for iOS and Android.

    Medical City Healthcare provides comprehensive emergency services across North Texas.

    At Medical City Healthcare, were dedicated to the care and improvement of human life. So, we hope youll Take Care!

    For more information, call our Ask a Nurse hotline 24/7 or use Find a Doctor online.

    You can also get care for minor injuries or illness at CareNow Urgent Care or visit Medical City Virtual Care for non-emergency medical treatment from your computer or smartphone.

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    How Is Heart Failure Diagnosed

    First, your doctor will go through your medical history to identify any potential heart failure risk factors. Then, theyll do a physical exam to listen to your lungs for signs of fluid build-up and your heart for specific noises that can be indicative of heart failure.

    After that, there are a slew of potential tests your doctor may recommend if they suspect you have heart failure symptoms, according to the Mayo Clinic:

    • Blood tests to look for signs of diseases that can impact your heart.
    • Chest X-ray to visualize the condition of your lungs and heart.
    • Electrocardiogram to record electrical signals in your heart and determine the timing and length of your heartbeats.
    • Echocardiogram to produce images of your heart in motion, along with how well your heart is pumping, via sound waves.
    • Stress test to measure the health of your heart during physical activity.
    • Cardiac computerized tomography scan to collect images of your heart and chest.
    • Magnetic resonance imaging to create images of your heart via radio waves and a magnetic field.
    • Coronary angiogram, where a catheter is inserted into a blood vessel and guided to your hearts arteries to help your doctor search for blood flow blockages.
    • Myocardial biopsy, where a small, flexible cord is inserted into a vein in your neck or groin in order to remove very small pieces of your heart muscle to be analyzed.

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    Our team at HerKare is here to help you feel great again. We put you in charge at our womens health clinic. Our goal is to help you stay healthy and help improve your quality of life. Whether you need an annual exam or are coming in to talk about any symptoms or concerns you have about your health, we believe in providing compassionate womens health care in a welcoming environment. We take time to listen and understand, and then help you feel better. Make an appointment today and lets talk about your health and wellbeing!

    Recommended Reading: Foods To Help Adrenal Fatigue

    Also Check: Symptoms Of Fatigue And Shortness Of Breath

    Why Am I So Tired All The Time Heart Disease And 4 Other Causes Of Fatigue You Shouldnt Ignore

    On any given Monday morning, most of us struggle to get out of bed as we dread the inevitable work week. We yawn, we stretch, and we drift in and out of sleep. Throughout the day, we feel exhausted both mentally and physically. The Sunday Night Blues or a lack of sleep arent the only things sapping our energy sleep loss could be a sign of several serious illnesses.

    Our 24/7 lifestyle can lead us to feel exhausted or run down, and affect our sleeping patterns. This is because we are never turning off according to Dr. Gabrielle Francis, a naturopathic doctor at The Herbal Alchemist in New York City, N.Y. This syndrome is also known as wired and tired,’ she told Medical Daily.

    Fatigue is an American epidemic that is one of the most common complaints physicians hear. It is quite prevalent in the general population, with 28 percent reporting fatigue. This could be the result of expending more energy than we can take in, but it could also be a red flag for more serious conditions.

    Below are the signs of fatigue we shouldnt ignore.

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    Heart Conditions That Cause Dizziness

    Coughing and Heart Failure: Cardiac Cough Explained

    There are many heart conditions that can cause dizziness. Moreover, it is said that dizziness is one of the major symptoms observed when you are suffering from a particular heart disease. But which are these conditions? Let us find outâ¦

    There are many heart conditions that can cause dizziness. Moreover, it is said that dizziness is one of the major symptoms observed when you are suffering from a particular heart disease. But which are these conditions? Let us find out

    Dizziness is the sensation of lightheadedness and feeling that you might faint. The spatial orientation also leads one to a feeling of the room spinning around them. The period for which this feeling persists defines the intensity of the dizziness, which in turn defines the seriousness of the dizzy feeling. There are numerous common causes of dizziness, many of which are not very serious, and relief is possible without any treatment. However, there are also some causes of dizziness that need immediate medical attention.

    Causes of dizziness can be both, cardiovascular as well as non-cardiovascular. In addition, sometimes certain medications are also known to cause dizziness. However, the common, but serious causes of dizziness include hypoglycemia, sudden , heart conditions and anemia. You may feel dizzy even if you are mentally troubled and suffering from stress. Some diseases and disorders can also make you feel dizzy, among several other things.

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    What Causes Fatigue In Heart Disease

    In general, people with heart problems experience fatigue when their heart cant pump enough blood to meet the bodys demands. When that happens, the body chooses to pump blood to the most vital areas first, including the heart and brain. As a result, other areas such as the limbs and muscles receive less blood flow, leading to the sensation of fatigue. Fatigue can be associated with muscle or kidney issues and lower cardiac function in people without diagnosed heart disease.

    Unexplained Aches Or Pains

    The blockage of the blood supply to the heart muscle that occurs with coronary artery disease leads the heart to “cry out in pain” when it is asked to work harder. However, that pain is not always felt in the chest. Sometimes it is felt in the shoulders, arms, back, jaw, or abdomen. Particularly when pain in these locations occurs with exercise and disappears with rest, the pain could well be a sign of heart disease.

    When to report symptoms

    It’s better to err on the side of caution, especially if you have

    • symptoms that come on with activity and are relieved with rest
    • several symptoms at a time, such as fatigue and swollen feet
    • known heart disease or factors that raise your risk for heart disease .

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    Other Potential Causes Of Fatigue

    Fatigue in people with heart disease can also be caused by other medical conditions, including thyroid disorders, kidney disease, sleep apnea, and anemia. If youre experiencing fatigue, make sure to talk to your doctor. They will be able to evaluate you for other potential causes of fatigue and determine effective treatments for any conditions you might be living with in addition to heart disease.

    Diagnostic Tests To Determine Heart Attack Risk

    Heart Failure Warning Signs and Symptoms

    If there is a worry that the heart is involved, you may undergo a screening test known as an electrocardiogram, or EKG. This recording of the hearts electrical activity can give information regarding not only heart rhythm problems but also heart artery disease and abnormalities in the heart chambers.

    An abnormal EKG can mean many things, and not all of them are negative. Some people have a variation in their heart rhythm thats normal for them this will not affect their health now or in the future. But it can also indicate something more serious, like medication side effects, that your heart is beating too fast or slow, arrhythmia , and yes, sometimes a heart attack. If your provider believes there is a concern, youll know.

    If an EKG is normal but your doctor still suspects a heart problem, he or she may order a stress test, which detects your hearts rhythm using electrodes taped to your chest while you exercise . This can help determine your risk of heart disease by looking at how much exercise it takes for the blood flow to your heart to decrease or for your hearts rhythm to become abnormal.

    Depending on your doctors exam and analysis, youll likely receive one of three instructions:

    Given the sometimes-confusing information that is out there, it makes sense to wonder if fatigue and heart attack are linked. If youre at all concerned, contact your health care provider to get to the bottom of it.

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    Symptoms Of Heart Failure

    • Rapid or irregular heartbeats
    • Other symptoms include nausea, palpitations, and chest pain.

    Like valve disease, heart failure symptoms may not be related to how weak your heart is. You may have many symptoms, but your heart function may be only mildly weakened. Or you may have a severely damaged heart, with few or no symptoms.

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    Tiredness Could Indicate A Problem With Your Heart

    According to the National Institutes of Health, 50 to 70 million Americans suffer from sleep or wakefulness disorders. If youre between the ages of 18 and 64 and are getting the National Sleep Foundation’s recommended 7 to 9 hours of 7 to 9 hours of sleep a night but are still tired, your fatigue could be a symptom of a medical condition such as allergies, depression, cancer, or even a serious heart condition.

    Many women don’t think they’re at risk for heart disease because of their gender, but heart disease is the No. 1 killer of men and women. The age factor can also be misleading: Research from the American Heart Association shows that the number of heart attacks among younger people is increasing, and among younger women in particular.

    Take our free Heart Risk Assessmentto see if youre at risk for heart disease.

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