Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Chronic Muscle Weakness And Fatigue

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Psychological Causes Of Fatigue

5 Exercises To Reduce Fatigue

Studies suggest that psychological factors are present in at least 50 per cent of fatigue cases. These may include:

  • Depression this illness is characterised by severe and prolonged feelings of sadness, dejection and hopelessness. People who are depressed commonly experience chronic fatigue.
  • Anxiety and stress a person who is chronically anxious or stressed keeps their body in overdrive. The constant flooding of adrenaline exhausts the body, and fatigue sets in.
  • Grief losing a loved one causes a wide range of emotions including shock, guilt, depression, despair and loneliness.

What You Need To Know About Joint Pain Symptoms: Muscle Pain Fatigue Muscle Weakness Joint Stiffness

You should seek medical attention for any pain you experience. If the pain is caused by an infection, you should seek medical attention as soon as possible. You can take over-the-counter medications like acetaminophen or ibuprofen. If your pain is more intense, you can try heating or applying ice to the joint. Alternatively, you can also try applying heat to the affected area. To relieve the pain, you should stay away from the activities that cause you to have joint pain. A doctor can prescribe you dietary supplements, such as glucosamine, that are effective in reducing your symptoms.

If you fall or are hit on the leg and notice any swelling or deformity in your knee, you should seek medical attention. If you cant put weight on your leg, it could be a sign of a more serious ailment. If you are experiencing any of these signs and symptoms, you should consult a doctor immediately. The most important thing to do is to be patient and do not panic. The pain you experience is normal and is not related to any other health problems.

Pacing Activity For People With Me/cfs

Pacing, or keeping within your available energy, is a self-management strategy to help people with ME/CFS make sure that they dont overdo activity or exercise. It reduces the likelihood of triggering PEM and can help reduce symptoms. Pacing is not a cure for ME/CFS and does not treat the underlying, physical cause of the disease.

The goal of pacing is for activity to be sustainable, so that the person can have some stability in their symptoms and what they can do each day. Pacing should be used in conjunction with rest.

The most challenging aspect of pacing is that PEM is very often delayed by as much as 24-48 hours, which can make it difficult to recognise when youve done too much. Using tools like an activity diary or heart rate monitor help you learn about your body and how much activity you can safely tolerate.

Suggestions on how to pace yourself include:

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Fuel Yourself With The Right Stuff

Carbohydrates, protein, and fats are the three main macronutrients â and each plays a role in keeping us energized. Carbs provide quick energy to help you feel better right away, whereas protein and fats digest more slowly for sustainable energy until your next meal. Combining all three macronutrients sets you up for the best of both worlds.

Balanced bites to try:

  • A pear with a side of pistachios

  • A hearty slice of toast with mashed avocado and white beans

  • Sliced apple wrapped in prosciutto

  • A sprinkle of breakfast cereal on top of yogurt

A quick walk in the morning or evening will boost your energy level. A great playlist or audio book are useful tools to keep you moving.

Fact: A Short Nap Is The Best Solution

Signs and symptoms of chronic fatigue syndrome

According to the National Sleep Foundation, pulling over for a short nap is the most effective way to restore alertness on the road. Park in a safe, well-lit area. Set your watch or phone to wake you up in 15. Then let yourself really wake up before you get back on the road. Longer naps can increase grogginess and disorientation. If you plan to nap longer than half an hour, it may be best to stop for the night.

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Viral Or Bacterial Infection And Fatigue

Symptoms: Fatigue, fever, head or body aches.

Fatigue can be a symptom of infections ranging from the flu to HIV. If you have an infection, youll probably have other symptoms like fever, head or body aches, shortness of breath, or appetite loss.

Infections that may cause fatigue include:

Symptoms: Chronic fatigue, deep muscle pain, painful tender points, sleep problems, anxiety, depression

Fibromyalgia is one of the more common causes of chronic fatigue and musculoskeletal pain, especially in women. Fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome are considered separate but related disorders. They share a common symptom: severe fatigue that greatly interferes with peoples lives.

With fibromyalgia, you may feel that no matter how long you sleep, its never restful. And you may feel as if you are always fatigued during daytime hours. Your sleep may be interrupted by frequent waking. Yet, you may not remember any sleep disruptions the next day. Some people with fibromyalgia live in a constant fibro fog a hazy feeling that makes it hard to concentrate.

Constant daytime fatigue with fibromyalgia often results in people not getting enough exercise. That causes a decline in physical fitness. It can also lead to mood-related problems. The best way to offset these effects is to try to exercise more. Exercise has tremendous benefits for sleep, mood, and fatigue.


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Skip Heavily Processed Foods

Heavily processed foods typically have fewer nutrients than their whole food counterparts. Its important to load up on plants like legumes, fruits, vegetables, and whole grains to support your bodys needs.

Dont know what to eat? Groppo recommends sticking with foods that are as close to how Mother Nature made it as possible. Choose popped corn instead of corn flakes or brown rice instead of pasta, for example.

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Diagnosis And Treatment For Me/cfs

Currently, there is no single test to diagnose ME/CFS. Doctors make a diagnosis by excluding all other illnesses that might be causing symptoms and following accepted diagnostic criteria. The persons results from routine medical tests will often be normal, but additional tests may show abnormalities.

When Should I See A Doctor For Fatigue

CHRONIC FATIGUE SYNDROME, Causes, Signs and Symptoms, Diagnosis and Treatment.

If youve been tired for several weeks with no relief, it may be time to call your healthcare provider. He or she will ask questions about your sleep, daily activities, appetite, and exercise and will likely give you a physical exam and order lab tests.

Your treatment will be based on your history and the results of your exam and lab tests. Your doctor may prescribe medications to target underlying health problems, such as anemia or irregular thyroid activity. He or she may suggest that you eat a well-balanced diet and begin an exercise program.

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Why Do My Legs Feel Like They Are Going To Give Out

Causes of nerve damage include direct injury, tumor growth on the spine, prolonged pressure on the spine, and diabetes. A spinal cord injury. Spinal cord injuries are among the most common reasons that legs give out. These injuries vary in severity but should always be evaluated immediately by a spine specialist.

Metabolic Causes Of Muscle Weakness

Muscle weakness may have a metabolic cause, such as:

  • Addisons disease: This involves a decreased production of hormones by the adrenal glands.
  • Hyperparathyroidism: This involves overactive parathyroid glands.
  • Hyperthyroidism: This condition occurs when you have an overactive thyroid.
  • Hypothyroidism: This condition occurs when you have an underactive thyroid.
  • Hypokalemia: This condition occurs when you have low potassium levels.
  • Hyponatremia: This condition occurs when you have low sodium levels.

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How Ischronic Myofascial Pain Diagnosed

Your healthcare provider usually begins with a thorough physical examination and medical history, including a review of symptoms. The provider will likely perform a detailed exam of the affected muscles, including strength and range of motion testing. He or she will rub the suspected trigger points to see if the muscles respond, or twitch, and cause pain in a predictable pattern or specific region.

Sometimes blood tests will be performed to look for medical causes of muscle pain, such as vitamin D deficiency or hypothyroidism.

How Long Does Fatigue Or Weakness Last

Extreme Muscle Weakness: Important Considerations

Fatigue that is due to cancer and its treatment can last for weeks, months, or years. It often continues after treatment ends.

  • For people who have surgery for cancer with no other treatment, fatigue often decreases or goes away over time as they recover from surgery.
  • For people getting chemotherapy, targeted therapy, or immunotherapy in cycles, fatigue often gets worse at first and may get better until the next treatment, when the pattern starts again.
  • For those getting radiation therapy, fatigue usually gets worse as the treatment goes on and often lessens within a few months after treatment is complete.

Fatigue can:

  • Differ from one day to the next in how bad it is and how much it bothers you
  • Be overwhelming and make it hard for you to feel well
  • Make it hard for you to be with your friends and family
  • Make it hard for you to do things you normally do, including going to work
  • Make it harder for you to follow your cancer treatment plan.

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How Common Is Chronic Myofascial Pain

Pain originating in the muscles and fascia is very common. Nearly everyone at some point suffers from this type of pain, known as myalgia fasciitis or myofascitis. CMP, however, involves pain that is chronic, or long lasting, and is associated with specific trigger points.CMP most often occurs in people between the ages of 30 and 60 years. It affects men and women equally.

Preparing For Your Appointment

To prepare for your appointment, see the topicMaking the Most of Your Appointment.

You can help your doctor diagnose and treat your condition by being prepared to answer the following questions:

  • What is your major symptom, weakness or fatigue?
  • Have you had these symptoms before? If so:
  • Did you see a doctor for an evaluation of your symptoms?
  • What was the diagnosis?
  • How were your symptoms treated?
  • What other symptoms do you have that may be related to your major symptom?
  • How long have you had your symptoms? Describe what was happening when you first noticed your symptoms.
  • What makes your symptoms better or worse?
  • What home treatment have you tried?
  • Are you experiencing any particular stress at home, work, or school that could be causing your weakness or fatigue?
  • Are you using any alcohol or other drugs, such as caffeine or nicotine, that may be causing fatigue?
  • What medicines have you used, both prescription and non-prescription?
  • Do you have any health risks?
  • While you are waiting for your appointment, it may be helpful to keep a diary of your symptoms .

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    How Do People Cope With Exhaustion

    Many people gradually come to learn how to regulate their energy better and to accept the changes associated with the condition. They pay more attention to their bodys signals and then adjust what kinds of activities they do based on their symptoms.

    As well as the phases where the arthritis gets much worse, there are also periods where its possible to live a quite normal life. It often helps to start seeing the condition as a part of your life and to set new goals that you can still achieve anyway. Some people say that the disease has helped them to live their lives more consciously.

    Many mention in interviews that theyve discovered practical ways of dealing with :

    • Learn to say no sometimes
    • Dont plan to do too much at once
    • Reconsider and adapt your goals
    • Plan activities carefully, take your time, spread out demanding tasks across the week.
    • Take breaks before you become too exhausted
    • Get to bed early, take naps and learn relaxation techniques
    • Avoid going out at busy times of the day, for instance when you go shopping or on a trip
    • Talk with others about your disease so that they can better understand how it affects you
    • Talk to others who have rheumatoid arthritis so that you can learn from their experiences

    Menopause Fatigue Remedies: Your Guide To Crashing Fatigue During Menopause

    Fatigue, Causes, Signs and Symptoms, Diagnosis and Treatment.

    As you enter menopause, your body starts to undergo changes caused by hormone level fluctuations. You may start to experience symptoms such as hot flashes, vaginal dryness, and insomnia.

    Fatigue is also a common symptom of menopause, and it can interfere with your normal day-to-day activities. But there are ways you can boost your energy levels and beat menopausal fatigue.

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    Expert Explains Possible Causes Of Muscle Weakness Or Leg Fatigue

    • 24 Mar 2021, 10:16 IST

    Pain or fatigue in the legs is a very common symptom, which can be caused by various underlying factors. You may have an increased risk for leg fatigue if youre female, overweight, or older.

    This happens because the lower body carries the weight of the upper body. You must have experienced that sitting or standing for a long time can cause the legs to feel tired and heavy. A variety of underlying factors can also cause leg discomfort.

    To understand this better HerZindagi exclusively spoke to Dr Santosh B Patil, who is a consultant Neuro and Vascular Interventional Radiologist at The Vein Center

    Pain, soreness, or cramping, leg fatigue may be accompanied by any of the following factors. Leg fatigue isnt usually a cause for a major health concern, but its still significant that you pay attention to your body when fatigue occurs. Especially if you have other symptoms, said Dr Patil and explained some possible causes for leg fatigue:

    Comparing Statin To Statin Do Some Cause More Or Less Muscle Pain Study: No Evidence For That

    It has been suggested that some statins would cause less muscle problems than others. A March 2021 paper in the Journal of general internal medicine made a comparison. This is what the researchers documented:

    Statins are effective lipid-lowering drugs for the prevention of cardiovascular disease, but muscular adverse events can limit their use. Hydrophilic statins may cause less muscular events than lipophilic statins due to lower passive diffusion into muscle cells. The statin users were divided into groups:

    New patient group 1: pravastatin 20-40 mg vs simvastatin 10-20 mg .

    New patient group 2: rosuvastatin 5-40 mg vs atorvastatin 10-80 mg

    New patient group 3: simvastatin 40-80 mg vs atorvastatin 10-20 mg.

    Following the start of these prescriptions, the researchers waited until the first symptoms of muscular event during a maximum follow-up of 1 year. Each statin had their results recorded and compared against its group counterpart.

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    Myth: Cool Air Can Keep You Awake

    Blasting your AC or opening the window may keep you cool, but this does little to counteract drowsiness. Think of how well people sleep on cold winter nights. In fact, keeping your room cool is a commonly given tip for getting better sleep. Playing loud music is also useless in fighting driver fatigue.

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    Autoimmune Causes Of Muscle Weakness

    Fatigue, Exhaustion and Muscle Weakness concept

    Muscle weakness can also be due to many autoimmune conditions, including:

    • Diabetes: This is a condition wherein your body either does not make enough insulin or does not properly use the insulin it does make.
    • Graves disease: This is an autoimmune condition wherein your immune system attacks your thyroid.
    • Myasthenia gravis: This is a condition wherein antibodies block or alter the neurotransmitter receptors of muscle tissue.
    • Guillain-Barré syndrome: This is a rare condition wherein your bodys immune system attacks the peripheral nervous system.

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    What Is Muscle Weakness

  • Muscle weakness is a lack of muscle strength. Its causes are many and can be divided into conditions that have real or perceived muscle weakness. Serious muscle weakness, like muscular dystrophy and inflammatory myopathy, is a primary sign of a variety of skeletal muscle diseases. It occurs in disorders of the neuromuscular junction, such as myasthenia gravis. Muscle weakness can also be due to low levels of potassium and other electrolytes within muscle cells.
  • It can be a symptom of an underlying health condition if you experience chronic muscle weakness or muscle weakness without a clear cause or a normal explanation.
  • When your brain signals a muscle through your spinal cord and nerves, voluntary muscle contractions are usually generated.
  • If your brain, nervous system, muscles, or the connections between them are injured or affected by the disease, your muscles may not contract normally. This can lead to muscle weakness.
  • Life After Covid: Treating Muscle Fatigue And Weakness

    One thing is certain: COVID-19 affects people in different ways. The majority will experience mild to moderate symptoms, including a fever, a dry cough, and tiredness. Some will also have muscular aches and pains, a sore throat, a stomach upset, headaches, conjunctivitis, the loss of taste or smell, or a skin rash. An unfortunate one in five COVID-19 patients will develop more serious symptoms, including difficulty breathing, chest pain, loss of muscle control, severe inflammation, and organ damage.

    While most people are fully aware of the severity of COVID-19, there has been less focus on its long-lasting impact. Four weeks after their initial diagnosis, many patients are still struggling with long-term COVID symptoms. These include:

    • Ongoing muscle weakness
    • Respiratory symptoms
    • Cognitive issues

    In addition to their physical symptoms, many COVID-19 patients are finding life after COVID emotionally grueling. Recovering COVID-19 patients may experience debilitating mental health issues, including depression, anxiety, isolation, and dementia.

    While anyone can experience the long-term symptoms of COVID-19, some people are particularly susceptible to the condition becoming known as long COVID:

    • People who are severely overweight or obese
    • People with high blood pressure
    • People with a pre-existing mental health condition

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