Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Vs Narcolepsy

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What Are The Treatment Options For Hypersomnia

Sleep Basics, Sleep Disorders, & General Adaptation Syndrome – Fundamentals of Nursing | @LevelUpRN

Treatments for this condition can vary, depending on the cause of your hypersomnia.

Many drugs intended for narcolepsy can treat hypersomnia. These include amphetamine, methylphenidate, and modafinil. These drugs are stimulants that help you feel more awake.

Lifestyle changes are a critical part of the treatment process. A doctor may recommend getting on a regular sleeping schedule. Avoiding certain activities can also improve symptoms, especially around bedtime. Most people with hypersomnia shouldnt drink alcohol or use drugs. A doctor may also recommend a high-nutrition diet to maintain energy levels naturally.

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How To Combat Excessive Daytime Sleepiness

EDS can get in the way of work, school, and home life. If a lack of sleep causes your EDS, you can keep the following sleep tips in mind to try to improve your nightly rest:

  • Get eight hours of sleep each night
  • Leave the phone out of bed
  • Get regular exercise
  • Avoid alcohol and caffeine before bed
  • Try to avoid naps in the afternoon
  • Dont work late into the night

However, if excessive daytime sleepiness is significantly impacting your life and the above tips arent working, you should visit your doctor.

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Talking With Your Healthcare Provider About Your Symptoms

Since chronic fatigue syndrome can be difficult to diagnose, it is helpful to come prepared to your doctors appointment. Think back to when your symptoms first started, and whether they may be linked to a stressful event or an illness. Make a note of all the symptoms you have experienced, even if they do not seem directly related to chronic fatigue syndrome. This can help your doctor rule out other conditions.

You may also want to prepare a list of questions to ask your doctor. Treatment for chronic fatigue syndrome tends to focus on managing symptoms through medication, therapy, and lifestyle changes. Tell your doctor about your preferences regarding activity levels, so they can help establish a treatment plan that works for you. They may need to refer you to specialists for more targeted treatment of certain symptoms.

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Hypersomnia Secondary To Other General Medical Conditions

Excessive daytime hypersomnia also may occur from frequent chronic pain or from repeated awakenings because of an underlying medical disorder.

As the use of medications can result in hypersomnia, a careful history and chronology of the symptoms are necessary to clarify the underlying cause. In the hospital, especially in intensive care units, hypersomnia may also be secondary to a disruption of the sleep-wake cycle or, in severe cases, may reflect an underlying delirium due to a general medical condition.

Causes Of Idiopathic Hypersomnia

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While the exact causes of IH are not known, researchers have investigated a number of potential factors that may contribute to the development of idiopathic hypersomnia. Several studies have looked at the potential roles of neurotransmitters, including orexins, dopamine, serotonin, histamines, and gamma-aminobutyric acid . Research suggests that there may also be a genetic component to IH since a family history of the condition is present in 26% to 39% of IH patients.

Although one diagnostic criteria for IH is that its symptoms arent caused by a circadian rhythm disorder, some research suggests that there may be a connection between IH and the bodys internal clock. Studies have found that the regulation of certain genes involved in circadian rhythm may be different in people with IH.

  • difficulty remaining awake and attentive during the day
  • Falling asleep unintentionally at inopportune times
  • Difficulty waking up after sleeping all night or after daytime naps

Other indicators of IH include excessive sleeping which can be upwards of 10 hours at night. sleep drunkenness is another indicator. This is where a person vacillates between various stages of being awake up to four hours after initially waking up. This state can lead to people being violent, clumsy and irritable, and can sometimes occur following naps as well.

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Encephalitis Lethargica Another Hini Flu Associated Illness

A third illness connected to both streptococci and influenza is called encephalitis lethargica . This brain disorder causes severe lethargy at its worst patients can seem comatose. Several different forms have been identified, including one similar to narcolepsy which produces hypersomnolence and can be fatal.

Found in epidemic form in the early 1920s, encephalitis lethargica was thought to be connected to the Spanish flu pandemic of 1916-1918 an H1N1 type influenza. Later, evidence suggested streptococcal pathology. EL is a remnant of history no new cases have appeared since the flu epidemic.

Encephalitis lethargica another infection triggered brain illness

The epidemic and stupor-inducing nature of encephalitis lethargica is intriguing, though, given the extreme fatigue associated with CFS/ME and the outbreaks it was originally associated with.

Some doctors also believe EI is still around. The Finnish broadcasting company YLE posted a horrifying story about a young man named Ville whod been diagnosed as having H1NI induced narcolepsy. His case, however, seemed something much worse.

In the deep mental disability that resulted Ville resembled both a small child and a demented adult. He is barely able to stay awake, has frequent bouts of severe aggression and extreme confusion, and urinary and fecal incontinence. His heartbroken mother reported Ville said I cant remember what it is like to be a human.

How To Get Better Sleep

Sleep has a huge impact on our everyday lives. If you are seeking to get better sleep, you can try these additional tactics to fall asleep fast and increase deep sleep below.

  • Create a consistent bedtime routine. Whether its a warm shower before bed or a sleep playlist, sticking with a relaxing, 30- to 60-minute routine may help your body wind down.
  • Set the right temperature. The ideal sleep temperature for adults is 60-67 degrees Fahrenheit.
  • Listen to pink or white noise. Some find these soothing sounds that sound a bit like TV static or nature sounds like rain and waterfalls helpful when trying to fall asleep.
  • Try a sleep mask. If you have street lamps peeking through your window or your partner likes to read with a light on, you can try blocking out light with a comfortable sleep mask.
  • Do a body scan. With this relaxation technique, you mindfully focus on each section of your body until it feels completely relaxed.

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Extract taken from the authoritative and very popular MEA Clinical and Research Guide 2020 , section 5.12 .

ME/CFS patients may complain of excessive sleep/hypersomnia in the early stages of their illness. This is often followed by a general decrease in sleep efficiency once the illness enters a more chronic stage.

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How Is Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Diagnosed

Before diagnosing chronic fatigue syndrome, a doctor examines a person and rules out other possible causes of their symptoms.

There is no specific test that conclusively proves the existence of chronic fatigue syndrome. Instead, testing may involve physical tests of blood, urine, thyroid function, muscle enzymes, gluten tolerance, and other analyses depending on the persons symptom profile.

The doctor also asks questions and may administer questionnaires, such as the Centers for Disease Control Symptom Inventory or the DePaul Symptom Questionnaire, for a better picture of the symptoms.

Symptoms of chronic fatigue syndrome can come and go, and they vary from person to person. This variability can make it difficult for diagnostic measures to capture how a person is affected by the disease, even if the effects are real and noticeable. Some experts argue that chronic fatigue syndrome should be further divided into different subtypes based on groups of symptoms.

Fatigue: A Struggle To Keep Going

  • Lack of energy. Fatigue is a self-reported lack of physical or mental energy. People with fatigue do not usually complain of excessive daytime sleepiness. But when they do sleep or rest, it often fails to boost their energy levels.
  • Difficulty staying active. You may have a hard time getting yourself going, and once you start an activity you may struggle to keep going.
  • Trouble with memory and mood. Some people find that its difficult to concentrate or remember things. Some people struggle with emotional stability.

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Two Little Girls With Walking Sticks

In late 2014 Suomen Kuvalehti, a major Finnish magazine often compared to Newsweek, published a series of articles on CFS/ME by journalist Meri Valkama. The most noteworthy was the main one, about two children, Peppi and Aada, with CFS/ME. It was the first Finnish article about CFS/ME in children. In general, except for a few small pieces about the epidemics in late 1980s, there was barely any media coverage on CFS/ME in Finnish before 2011.

Two little girls had come down with a mysterious disease in Finland

The article had a haunting picture of the two little girls standing with walking sticks. The parents had really struggled trying to get a diagnosis for the girls, as there are no pediatrists with knowledge of CFS/ME in Finland. It also detailed a somewhat successful attempt at hyperbaric oxygen therapy or HBOT.

The strangest thing about the article was that the girls were friends from before they were sick. This inevitably sparked suggestions that it was hysteria or something similar. What are the odds that two friends get sick with the same strange illness?

A year after the series, however, Valkama updated the childrens story in the journal Suomen Kuvalehti. It turned out Peppi and Aada didnt have CFS/ME after all, but PANS , an autoimmune brain disorder causing neurological and psychiatric symptoms.

Adele: My Idiopathic Hypersomnia Diagnosis Story

1/17/2022 1:36:13 PM

I donât really know exactly when it began, all I know is I started noticing strange symptoms when I was in VCE. I was finding it difficult to concentrate, feeling tired all the time, struggling to get out of bed in the morning and losing my memory. At first, I brushed it off and thought, maybe I just need more sleep. As time went on, I began to feel like I was going crazy, my memory loss had gotten much worse, I was doing things without consciously being aware of it and falling asleep during the day in random places like the doctors waiting room. I downloaded brain training apps to help improve my memory, but it continued to worsen. The only explanation I could think of was early onset dementia.At this point in time, I didnât know that in a few yearsâ time my whole world would be flipped upside down.

Narcolepsy â short naps are refreshing, sleep-onset REM, sleep paralysis, hallucinations, sleep attacks that last a few seconds to a few minutes, cataplexy , vivid dreams, and disrupted sleep.What symptoms are the same?Excessive Daytime Sleepiness , automatic behaviour, memory issues, insomnia, and brain fog.

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Fatigue In Patients With Subjective Sleepiness Versus Idiopathic Hypersomnia

There was no difference in the percentage of patients meeting SEID criteria in the sEDS group compared to other diagnoses, even though PSG/MSLT were normal in the sEDS group by definition. To further evaluate the possibility that patients with sEDS may have fatigue that they misperceive as sleepiness, we compared sEDS patients to those with idiopathic hypersomnia, who are clinically similar to sEDS patients other than in MSLT results . Rates of SEID positivity were no different between the sEDS and IH groups =0.43, p = 0.52). The sEDS and IH groups were similar on MFI scores = 0.3, p=0.78) and FSS scores = 0.4, p=0.69).

Treatment For Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

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Unfortunately, there is no cure for ME/CFS. People with the disorder shouldnt give up hope, however. A variety of treatments may be used to lessen or eliminate symptoms.

  • Cognitive Behavioral Therapy . CBT teaches patients how to recognize fears of potential fatigue. With the aid of CBT, patients can also learn how to redirect thoughts that may provide a more positive outlook about recovery.
  • Exercise. Through graded exercise therapy, patients with ME/CFS exercise to increase overall physical and mental function.
  • Sleep Management. Poor sleep is a common symptom of ME/CFS. Treatment of sleep disorders that accompany ME/CFS can lessen its overall effects. Patients can begin by improving their sleep hygiene. However, additional steps, such as prescription medications or therapies for specific sleep disorders may be necessary.
  • Pharmacologic Therapy. Currently, there are no drugs that specifically target ME/CFS. Instead, patients may take drugs to treat symptoms of ME/CFS, such as pain, depression, and sleep deprivation.
  • Stress Reduction and Relaxation. Certain practices can help with managing chronic pain and fatigue. These include meditation, massage, and acupuncture.

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The Overlap Between Me/cfs And Covid

Research suggests that some COVID-19 long haulers may develop or have an illness similar to ME/CFS. Anthony Fauci, MD, the chief medical advisor to U.S. President Joe Biden and the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, said to Medscape last July that “it’s extraordinary how many people have a postviral syndrome that’s very strikingly similar to myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome.”

In an article published in the Frontiers in Medicine journal, researchers argue that it is crucial to study all people who have contracted COVID-19, “even those with only mild initial illnesses, and to study the recovery period and the long-term health consequences of COVID-19,” to better understand how to prevent long COVID-19. The researchers also note that “the direct and indirect economic costs of to society are estimated to be between $17 and $24 billion each year.”

The information in this article is current as of the date listed, which means newer information may be available when you read this. For the most recent updates on COVID-19, visit our coronavirus news page.

Idiopathic Hypersomnia And Narcolepsy Type 2

Even with specific criteria for classifying different central disorders of hypersomnolence, there is controversy surrounding how to distinguish idiopathic hypersomnia from narcolepsy type 2. Long sleep times, which are oftenbut not alwaysseen in patients with IH, are also seen in 18% of people with narcolepsy. Limitations of the MSLT in measuring sleep latency and the time to reach REM sleep have resulted in many researchers noting that current testing sometimes cannot reliably tell these two conditions apart.

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Maintaining A Healthy Weight With Narcolepsy

Obesity and narcolepsy can be closely related. Individuals with narcolepsy may have a body weight between 15 percent and 20 percent higher than expected on average in the general population. Some evidence suggests this could be related to both lower resting energy expenditure as well as eating behaviors .

Lack of sleep can create hormone disruption that may contribute to weight gain as well. Hypocretin is a brain chemical that regulates wakefulness and appetite. Hypocretin deficiency is linked with narcolepsy, and may decrease basal metabolic rate and food intake. However, more research in humans needs to be done to determine whether this is a direct result of hypocretin deficiency or other causes.

Below are some healthy eating basics that can help improve health and wellness.

Polysomnographic And Multiple Sleep Latency Techniques


Nocturnal polysomnography and daytime multiple sleep latency testing were conducted in a 4-bed laboratory established at Wesley Medical Center, Wichita, KS, and consisted of polysomnography on night #1, MSLT the following day and another polysomnography on night #2. Patients were asked to arrive 3 hours before their typical bedtime on Night 1 to allow adequate time for electrode application and standard biocalibrations. “Lights out” and “lights on” time were 22:00 and 07:00, respectively. The daytime MSLT testing schedule was adjusted for other measures being collected MSLT began at 11:00 and consisted of three additional naps at 13:00, 15:00, and 17:00.

The polysomnographic outcome variables used in our analyses included: total sleep time , sleep efficiency , the percentage of TST spent in non-Rem and REM sleep, sleep latency to three consecutive epochs of sleep, and REM Latency, defined as the time between the first epoch of any stage of sleep and the first epoch of REM-sleep. Brief arousals were scored following criteria set forth by the American Academy of Sleep Medicine, and the number of arousals expressed as a rate per hour of sleep adjusted for TST. Periodic leg movements both with and without accompanying arousals, were scored according to conventional criteria , and expressed as an index of the rate of leg movements per hour of sleep, and a separately derived index of those accompanied by an American Academy of Sleep Medicine -defined arousal .

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What Causes Excessive Sleepiness

There are many possible causes of excessive daytime sleepiness. One of the most common reasons is a chronic lack of sleep, whether due to long work hours, an irregular schedule, insomnia, or other reasons.

Excessive sleepiness can also be caused by getting fragmented or otherwise poor-quality sleep. Getting up multiple times a night to use the washroom, for example, disrupts the natural progression of the sleep stages and may reduce the proportion of restorative slow-wave sleep. Smoking, not exercising enough, and other lifestyle habits may also interfere with sleep quality and cause daytime sleepiness.

Many people who experience excessive daytime sleepiness dont appear to have any problems sleeping enough. In these cases, sleepiness may be a sign of an underlying health condition or sleep disorder.

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